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"Everyone must know by now that the aim of Scrabble is to gain the moral high ground, the loser being the first player to slam the board shut and upset all the letters over the floor."
Craig Brown


6 Most Popular Word Games

Did you know that it's been proven that playing word games has a positive impact on your brainpower? In our busy lives, we probably spend too much time watching TV/movies or on the computer. You may not have thought of it but you can keep your mind healthy by playing word games.

Word games are a great way to achieve the perfect balance of fun and entertainment. It will raise your level of concentration and increase your focus. While playing these, you not only create new relationships by making new connections but can also boost your brain power—all at the same time! Besides, word games are fun for all ages so they can be played by all of your family and friends.

There are many types of word games, such as an anagrams puzzle or crossword puzzle, which tests your ability to mix letters to form a word. It can also be a fun way to learn new words with friends!


Scrabble is a fun word game that has been popular for decades. Since it was first invented, you would spend hours trying to create the most clever words and score a high number of points. Almost everyone has played it at one point or another.


When was the last time you spent writing down words on a piece of paper while having fun? I bet it must have been a long time ago! Boggle is one of those games that will always be fun to play. In order to become a champion at the Boggle game, you have to find as many words as you can in the shortest amount of time.

Word Searches

A word search is a puzzle that requires you to look for words hidden in a grid. The grid has been filled with letters in some manner, forming horizontal and vertical lines that run throughout the grid. You can easily check how good your vocabulary is and even increase it by seeing how many words you can find.

Anagrams or Jumble Solvers

Anagrams is a simple word game where you find as many words as possible by mixing together the letters from two different words. The longer the word, the more points you get. Trying to find all the eight-letter words? That's worth 80 points! Anagrams help you to improve your brain's word power and memory skills.


There is something relaxing about doing a crossword puzzle. Although it takes some effort to complete, there is a sense of accomplishment after completing it. A crossword is a word puzzle that usually takes the form of a square or a rectangular grid of white and black shaded squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words or phrases by solving clues that lead to the answers.


As you may already know, hangman is a classic word guessing game. Hangman is played with a group of people who will guess letters to make up a certain word. The person setting up the puzzle will select a word and will draw the blanks for where those letters should go. The idea is to get your opponents to guess those letters before they figure out what word you're trying to make.