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"Everyone must know by now that the aim of Scrabble is to gain the moral high ground, the loser being the first player to slam the board shut and upset all the letters over the floor."
Craig Brown


How to improve your spelling in scrabble


If you love playing scrabble and you don’t want to lose or utilize Scrabble cheat all the time, one of the most important things to do is improve your spelling. How can you improve your spelling? I have listed ways you can improve your spelling below:


Images before rules.

The secret to accurate spelling--well, there are numerous, but this is a big one. It lies in exposing your brain to the picture of a word over and over again. Besides, the image needs to be quite large and free from other distractions.


Avoid looking at misspellings.

People at times think they are helping you learn to master a difficult spelling by showing ways in which it is frequently misspelled. Bad blunder! Just as frequent exposure to word-images is accountable for most of our capability to spell words properly, it can also be responsible for our propensity to spell words inaccurately - if, that is, we keep staring at frequently misspelled versions of words. The answer is simple. Do not do it - make certain that all of your spelling lists are full of appropriately spelled words only.


See it, hear it, and say it.

Involving numerous senses in the learning procedure can actually speed up word-acquisition. Each time you see the new word, don't just look at it (even though it is very significant too!), find out how it is pronounced and say it out loud. If feasible, you can visit Scrabble help website for help or maybe learn more word tips through Scrabble word finder.


First test, then study!

But how do you modify a spelling program to what you do not know if you do not know what you don't know? A good query definitely, and I am very happy you asked. Test yourself first, and then build up a study program around the weaknesses you found in your test. This also means that you do not have to make guesses at what you think you know already.